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Showing posts from July, 2012

Zoo Time!

Cora is registered with Pet Partners as a Therapy Dog and sometimes that means working outside the norm.  This past week we took a fun trip to the Zoo and talked with 25 8th grade students that are interested in veterinary medicine.  Dr Molander from Banfield Vet Clinic was there to educate the young people on what  it takes to be a Vet and used Cora a a model for examining an animal.  Cora was a rock star throughout the exam and even stood still for the eager students to listen with their stethoscopes to her heartbeat!   Add another job description to what a therapy dog does.   In this case, Cora became a teacher to these young people, who where eager to learn about the training and work that a Therapy Dog undertakes.  

Desert Skies

Therapy Dogs help to brighten the day!

Good Endorphins!

Cora's work at Mayo not only is directed to patients, but also the hard working and dedicated staff.  Today's visit was a welcome one from a strong willed lady that has seen the benefits of therapy dogs in the healthcare setting from both a patient and staff member prospective.  Cora and her other Caring Canine friends have brought many a smile to her face during her months of treatment.  Seeing her smile and hearing her excitement as we enter the unit most certainly boosts the endorphins for everyone in the area.  Good endorphins make you feel happier and cope with stress and pain by making you feel more relaxed. Even Cora benefits by all the attention.  As you can see in the picture above, after all that belly rubbing, she is completely "relaxed"!

Cora's R&R

Cora has been kept busy these past 2 weeks with a visit from our Grandsons, Kyle 12yrs and Evan 7 yrs old.   A few days ago she was bitten by one of our nasty desert pests on her hind paw.  Here she gladly accepts being comforted by Kyle.  See, even Therapy Dogs need that special "magic" that comes from reaching out and touching.